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Font that cannot be embedded

I am trying to convert a page that uses TimesNewRomanPSMT like this:
@font-face {
font-family: "Times New Roman";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;

This font cannot be embedded, and the result is that the pdf is created with Symbol, regular in it's place. How can I change the font that prince defaults to in this case?

I cannot change the css file, as this is client data.

I have tried, unsuccessfully, to add a stylesheet with this:
@font-face {
font-family: TimesNewRomanPSMT;
src: local("Georgia")
This still defaults to Symbol.
Looks like the first local src needs to include quotes, eg. local("TimesNewRomanPSMT") otherwise it silently fails. We will change this behaviour in the next release of Prince.

Edited by mikeday

Prince 9 is now available, and supports local(keyword) for @font-face src without quotes.