Forum Bugs

jQuery support


we are trying to convert a html page (using quite a lot of jQuery) into a pdf using your tool.

However, we get errors, e.g.,:
jquery-1.9.0.js:7133: error: TypeError: value is not an object
This is line 7133 of the jquery script:
var styles = extra && getStyles( elem );

How can we resolve this?

The script may be calling some DOM functions that we have not implemented yet, such as getComputedStyle. We will support more of these functions in the next release of Prince.
Any updates yet on the next release of Prince?
Is it possible to already test the beta version of the new release (we want to launch later this year, but we want to make a decision on what software we will use within the next weeks).
Big thanks in advance,
Sure, just email me ( and let me know which platform you are running Prince on. Depending on the scripts you are using, we may be able to make it work sooner.