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Bleed and Trim Help

Hello, I am trying to set a bleed of: 8.75" x 11.25" and a trim of:8.5" x 11". I have tried using @page { prince-bleed: .25in;prince-trim: 0in} but have had no luck. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
You have to enable crop marks as well:
@page { marks: cross crop }
Yes, I did that as well but by no luck I mean with dimensions. I am trying to achieve a bleed and trim equal to that of the attached pdf named Goal.pdf, however the code above seems to just add the trim to the border of the pdf and make it larger with crop marks (see result.pdf). Any ideas? Thank you!
  1. Goal.pdf23.9 kB
    What I am trying to acheive
  2. result.pdf170.0 kB
    What I am currently producing
The closest I can get to your goal.pdf is with this:
@page {
    size: 8.5in 11in;
    prince-bleed: 0.125in;
    prince-trim: 0.175in;
    marks: crop;
    background: orange
That's what I was looking for after talking to the printers. Just to make sure: with a

@page {
  size: 6in 9in;
  margin-top: 48pt;
  margin-bottom: 88pt;

  prince-bleed: 0.125in;
  prince-trim: 0.175in;
  marks: crop;

both bleed and trip are added to the 6x9in page, and all existing margin and indents and other settings are offset accordingly. This simply “adds a white margin” around the original 6x9 page, correct?
Hm, ok. Which is great for the text pages and such which have white (transparent) background.

My book has full-page images every so often. The printer asked if I can expand these images into the trim by 1-2mm so that there won't be white margins when the printed pages are cut to 6x9.

Is that possible?
Yes, you can extend them into the bleed area, that's why it's called the bleed area. :)

Just give them a negative margin and a width that makes them slightly wider than the page.