Forum How do I...?

Verso & Recto Content Control

I need some sort of insight on how to accomplish the following.

  • Table of Contents: Must start on recto (right page)
  • New chapter/part: Must start on recto (right page)

These recommendations come from the Chicago Manual Of Style which is what we use as best practices for books. This is not an optional requirement for us. There will be blank empty pages, that is fine.

This is a continuation of the ideas in this thread. The advice given (which worked) was:

mikeday wrote:
You can use a named page for chapter and tell Prince that this starts a new named page group, like this:
@page chapter:first {

.chapter {
    page: chapter;
    prince-page-group: start

I'm thinking I will need to insert "content: flow()" in there somewhere, but I have no idea really.

Can someone help?
Ok. We figured this out.

Some variation of:

div.chapter {
  page-break-before: right;

with ideas from the previous thread does the job.

The page media modul include for the page-break-*-properties the values recto and verso.
Are you planing to support these values in future?
Yes, we will support these in the future.
Hi Mike,

I can able to control the chapter-opening page for recto or verso by the blank page. But the blank page has running head & foot information. How to control these in the blank page.

That can be done via e.g.

@page:blank {
    @bottom {
        content: none;
    @top {
        content: none;