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Missing glyphs on Linux

I have Prince 8.1 installed on Slackware Linux, and am having some difficulty getting an unusual character to work - ✠ (Maltese cross). It shows up just fine in other applications like OpenOffice, but it gets replaced by a '?' in the PDF when run through Prince, along with these messages:

prince: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/lohit_hi.ttf: warning: "Lohit Hindi, Regular" does not allow font embedding
prince: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/lohit_pa.ttf: warning: "Lohit Punjabi, Regular" does not allow font embedding
prince: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/lohit_gu.ttf: warning: "Lohit Gujarati, Regular" does not allow font embedding
prince: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/lohit_ta.ttf: warning: "Lohit Tamil, Regular" does not allow font embedding
prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+2720, fallback to '?'

The font embedding messages only come up when attempting to include this character, and trying several different typefaces for this character has so far yielded nothing.

Any suggestions? Thanks.
The "DejaVu Sans" font appears to have a maltese cross glyph, but not the "DejaVu Serif" font, strangely. If you don't have the DejaVu fonts, you could try generating a PDF file from OpenOffice and then checking Document > Properties in the PDF viewer to see which font it is using.
Thanks! That did it! Must have been one of the few fonts I didn't try...haha