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Getting ? marks where using ∠ or variants in MathML

Hi -

I'm getting ? marks in my PDF output when I use ∠ or any of its variants (∠ or ∠). The markup works fine in the browser, just no go in the PDF output.

I've read some other posts indicating that I need a font which supports that symbol. I've installed the microsoft symbol and Lucida Sans fonts which the posts I found indicated might work, but I'm not sure what to do next to actually get the document using them. I added some font-family css around the elements in question, but no luck.

How do I "register" the fonts or otherwise let Prince know that they are there?

The markup I'm working with (from a third-party) is below.

<math xmlns=""><mrow><mtext>of</mtext><mo>&#x2220;</mo><mn>2</mn><mtext>&#xA0;</mtext><mtext>is 40&#xB0;,</mtext></mrow></math> what is the measure <math xmlns=""><mrow><mtext>of</mtext><mo>&#x2220;</mo><mn>4</mn><mtext>?</mtext></mrow></math>
Which operating system are you running Prince on?
Gah! sorry I left all that off...

I'm running Prince v6 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04.
The DejaVu Serif font on Ubuntu supports the angle character. If you have the fonts installed as system fonts, they should show up with Fontconfig, eg. if you run "fc-list | grep DejaVu". If they are not installed as system fonts but you have placed them in your own folder somewhere, you can tell Prince about them using a @font-face rule.
Thanks Mike. The fonts are installed - what other configuration or markup is necessary for them to get used by Prince?
Adding them to the font-family for the surrounding element should do the trick, eg. "font-family: Times New Roman, DejaVu Serif". Alternatively, you can edit the default fonts.css in the Prince installation so that the "serif" font maps to this. In newer versions of Prince we have already included the DejaVu fonts as fallbacks by default.
Thank you Mike, all good now!