At the moment, I am creating PDFs with headers as follows:
This works perfectly.
The next step that I am trying to achieve is batch printing a whole bunch of documents to a single (multi-page) PDF. The problem is that each document may contain a different header. Is there a way that Prince can handle this?
The only other alternative that I can think of is saving each document separately to file. Once all the docs are created, I can join/merge all the PDF's programatically.
@media print {
@page { size: A4; }
@page {
@top {
content: flow(header);
#header {
flow: static(header);
This works perfectly.
The next step that I am trying to achieve is batch printing a whole bunch of documents to a single (multi-page) PDF. The problem is that each document may contain a different header. Is there a way that Prince can handle this?
The only other alternative that I can think of is saving each document separately to file. Once all the docs are created, I can join/merge all the PDF's programatically.