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How do I view the html instead of sending it to prince?


We have a rails app using princely and princexml. I am trying to figure out how to troubleshoot the html that my template is producing. How can I get my hands on the html itself?

From what I can tell, our controller is originally called with a route that ends in .html, and then that output gets redirected back to the same controller action but with a .pdf extension. I don't know how this happens though, the respond_to do html block just has a normal render call.

I just want to see the html in the browser for troubleshooting purposes. I can't for figure out what mechanics are capturing it and sending it through princely/princexml, so I don't know what to "turn off."

Can anyone help?

If you grep for "prince" or "pdf" in your Ruby code, you should find something that applies the Princely component to the HTML. It has to be called from somewhere, right? :)