Forum Bugs

Problems with page numbers in TOC

Im currently generating a document with a TOC. With the latest release for mac it renders correctly with good page numbers, unless I use column-span: all; in the CSS.

My "technician" tells me the relevant parts of the CSS/XML is:

Links use "<a href="#Lxxxx:xxx">Lagnamn</a>"
Sections use "<section id="Lxxxx:xxx">"
"ul.toc > li > a:after { content: leader('.') target-counter(attr(href), page); }"
"ul.toc > li > a { prince-link: attr(href); }"

I could send the XML/CSS I'm using, but since it's rather large (Almost 10 megabyte) it's rather unwieldy. The strange part is that not every link is incorrect but some are.
Some testing shows this behaviour with every chapter that contains a table (The element I made column-span: all)
When you say the latest release, do you mean 8.1, or 8.1 rev 2 that we just made available for download?
Rev 2
Is it possible to slim down a test document that demonstrates the issue? Otherwise, perhaps you could send it to me ( or upload it somewhere, how big is the document when compressed, eg. with ZIP?
I sent it to your mail.
I see rumours of an upcoming r3, will a fix for this make it for that release?
Feels really good to finally render documents without the watermark! And to pay such awesome developers.

For this print run I dealt with the bug in that I rendered the document twice, once with column span for tables and once without and just used the TOC from the rendering without column span.

Thanks for all the help and looking forward to future releases!
Clever workaround! Thanks for purchasing a license. :)
Unfortunately I realised it didn't work out (The column-count changed the number of pages), so I manually changed the incorrect entries in the TOC. But the book is done for this semester and when I'm doing the next one the fix will most probably be done.
Prince 8.1 rev 3 is now available for download and includes a fix for this column-span issue, so hopefully workarounds will no longer be necessary. :)