I'm a total XML and Prince beginner and this is probably really simple, but after furiously searching for a while I can't understand how to use Xpointer to Xinclude only part of an XML file.
Basicly there are two use cases I'm after, taking only the part between the body tags of xhtml2 files and extracting chapters from the xhtml2 files. The files are structured like the following one: https://lagen.nu/sfs/parsed/2010/900.xht2
That's the full part of the current document I'm testing on.
I'm a total XML and Prince beginner and this is probably really simple, but after furiously searching for a while I can't understand how to use Xpointer to Xinclude only part of an XML file.
Basicly there are two use cases I'm after, taking only the part between the body tags of xhtml2 files and extracting chapters from the xhtml2 files. The files are structured like the following one: https://lagen.nu/sfs/parsed/2010/900.xht2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns:rinfo="http://rinfo.lagrummet.se/taxo/2007/09/rinfo/pub#"
<title property="dc:title">Lagtext</title>
<section id="L2010:900" property="dct:alternate" content="PBL" class="kapitelindelning">
<!-- Plan- och bygglag (2010:900), 6, 8-11, 13 kap; -->
<xi:include href="900.xht2"/>
That's the full part of the current document I'm testing on.
<xi:include href="900.xht2"/>
in itself works, but I can't figure out how to add the Xpointer part of it. If this is such a simple task as I think this is, you are allowed to mercilessly mock me after helping me.Cheers!