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Show a pagebreak indication at HTML level

I have an HTML-file that will generate several pages PDF. Some parts of the HTML I am not in the position to specify pagebreaks, e.g will come where they are generated. Do there exist any possibilities to indicated where pagebreaks (at the HTML level) will come for the finsihed PDF pages for such loosely coupled pages? E.g adding a kind of pagebreak indication when working at the HTML level should be as close as possible to what you get produced in the PDF (after html to PDF conversion with Prince).
That's a very difficult problem to solve in the general case, with arbitrary HTML content. For example, a page break might occur in the middle of a paragraph. In fact, it might occur within the middle of a span in the middle of a paragraph. With hyphenation across pages, it could even occur in the middle of a word!

In future we plan to support tagged PDF. This will require keeping a closer link between the original HTML input and the final PDF output, which might make it easier to implement something like this.
Thank you for the quick reply. Then I think we need to find an alternative way of solving this in the mean time.