I was working on a multi-column PDF, carefully aligning my baselines across columns and using just the right amount of padding for headings to ensure their heights were baseline multiples when I decided to replace the Lorem ipsum text with some actual text, including one use of an ampersand (&) which worked and one use of a prime character (inserted as a numeric HTML entity).
That pesky ″ has caused me no end of grief, to the point where for visual appearances only, I'm thinking of removing it from the text entirely and inserting it after the fact, absolutely positioned, in a separate text box div. This of course would be horrible for accessibility but I know of no other way to achieve this short of wrapping it with a span set to position: absolute, maybe. Ah yes, that seemed to work, but it does require an extra non-breaking space:
It'd be fantastic if we could ensure, in some future version, that no matter what we did, text would align to a set baseline grid, even if that causes extra spacing to appear. That said, it might still not help this particular problem, which seems to stem from the character going outside the line-height and having to adjust for that ...?
That pesky ″ has caused me no end of grief, to the point where for visual appearances only, I'm thinking of removing it from the text entirely and inserting it after the fact, absolutely positioned, in a separate text box div. This of course would be horrible for accessibility but I know of no other way to achieve this short of wrapping it with a span set to position: absolute, maybe. Ah yes, that seemed to work, but it does require an extra non-breaking space:
50<span style="position: absolute; margin-top: -1pt">″</span> multitouch screen
It'd be fantastic if we could ensure, in some future version, that no matter what we did, text would align to a set baseline grid, even if that causes extra spacing to appear. That said, it might still not help this particular problem, which seems to stem from the character going outside the line-height and having to adjust for that ...?