I need to get an attribute value into a string-set so I then can use it in a footer? What's wrong with the syntax ?
Here is what I'm trying:
In the source xml:
<body title="00">
In the CSS:
@page {
margin: 27mm 16mm 27mm 16mm;
size: a4 portrait;
border-bottom: medium solid black;
@bottom {
content: string(chapternr) " - " counter(page);
body[title] {string-set: chapternr content(attr(title)) }
Only the "" - " counter(page)" part is shown in the pdf - why not also the 'chapternr' ?
I need to get an attribute value into a string-set so I then can use it in a footer? What's wrong with the syntax ?
Here is what I'm trying:
In the source xml:
<body title="00">
In the CSS:
@page {
margin: 27mm 16mm 27mm 16mm;
size: a4 portrait;
border-bottom: medium solid black;
@bottom {
content: string(chapternr) " - " counter(page);
body[title] {string-set: chapternr content(attr(title)) }
Only the "" - " counter(page)" part is shown in the pdf - why not also the 'chapternr' ?