I am getting alignment issue while creating HTML to PDF file. The content of the file going towards right side.
I am attaching the HTML file as well as the generated PDF file.
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*** Attachment of html file giving some issue, so I am copy paste the file content here.
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I am attaching the HTML file as well as the generated PDF file.
You guys can take a look and let me know the steps I need to follow.
*** Attachment of html file giving some issue, so I am copy paste the file content here.
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<p><table class=mail cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=30%>
<tr><td align=right>text text gesamt:</td><td align=right>€</td></tr>
<p class=text_footer>ANMERKUNG: text text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext text text texttext.</p>
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