Forum Bugs

Image background is modified when printing

Hi there,

I have included a few images (UML diagrams) in my XHTML document. But when I print the pdf document, the background of these images, which is supposed to be white, becomes greyed with a lot of small points.
It is not a problem of the image format: I tried png8, png24, gif and jpeg format.
It is not a problem of the generated image itself: I reworked it to be fully B/W, and I still got the problem. Furthermore I printed the same document from Firefox and the image background was correct...
It is not a problem of acrobat reader printing images in pdf: I've printed hundreds of pdf documents which embedded images with white background in the last years, and never had this problem.

So, by elimination, I guess this is a Prince bug...

I hope you can give me a solution for this, as I must print my master thesis on next tuesday, and I wish I won't have to re-write everything in LaTeX the night before :wink:

EDIT : forgot to mention that on screen, the image backgrounds look exactly what I want them to look like : white
We have not experienced this kind of odd behaviour before. Could you please email us a small sample PDF document that demonstrates this effect? That would help us to understand what is going on.

Best regards,

:oops: I'm confused...

I just had a try at printing my document again. It looks like the problem is actually with my printer. If I chose the option "print in grey levels" (or whatever it should be in English :wink:) I have this greyed background. But when I print with the colour option, the background remains white (though there is no colour in the graphics nor in the document).

I nevers experienced such a problem before. I have no explaination, but I guess my conclusion was wrong : this is probably not a bug of Prince.

Anyway, if you still want a sample pdf file that shows the problem, tell me, I'll send you a page of my work.
It's good to hear that you can successfully print your thesis! :)

We may be able to improve the way Prince generates PDF files from documents and images that are purely grayscale or black and white with no other colors. (Currently the image may be expanded to RGB when it is embedded in the PDF, which could be confusing the printer in some way). We will investigate this for a future release of Prince.