Forum Bugs

URL in footnote contains extra character


I don't know if this is a bug or not. I have the following footnote that contains a link:

Exclusive: Hackers breached U.S. defense contractors, Reuters, May 27, 2011,

When I hover over the link and click on it in the PDF, the character "1" is appended to the end like this:

Exclusive: Hackers breached U.S. defense contractors, Reuters, May 27, 2011,

I double-checked my code, and as far as I can tell, this is not generated by the code. The footnote displayed in the PDF looks correct, but when I hover over it and click it, the extra character is appended.

Does this issue sound familiar to anyone?


Does the footnote contain an actual link, eg. <a href="http://...">blah</a>, or just a URL in the text?
Hi Mike,

It is just a URL. I neglected to mention in my last post that it seems to happen when the link is at the end of the footnote. If it appears somewhere in the midde, it seems to work fine.

Interestingly, when I make it a link, the following footnote appears in my PDF:

1. Exclusive: Hackers breached U.S. defense contractors, Reuters, May 27, 2011, <a href=""></a>

I also noticed that if I surround the link with double quotes, like the following, it opens as expected:

1. Exclusive: Hackers breached U.S. defense contractors, Reuters, May 27, 2011, ""

Again, I don't know if this is a bug or if it has to do with the way I'm using Prince. My style sheet uses the standard prince footnote attributes for outputting footnotes at the bottom of each page where they appear, which seems to all work fine except when the footnote contains a link at the end.


I have more information.

It seems to happen when the url wraps to a second line. If the url appears on the same line, it works. For instance, the following wraps to 2 lines in the PDF:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When I hover over the link, I get this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have a space between the end of the link and the trailing series of x's.

Again, if I wrap the link with double quotes, it works:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Can you get similar behaviour when the URL is in the body text, not just in a footnote? Because Prince has no control over what Acrobat does when you click on a URL, unless you make it an explicit link.