Forum Feature requests

Please enable JS from the GUI

Your personal edition paid users can't use the JS stuff in the beta until you do, unless I'm missing something.

Please enable JS in the GUI beta. I would really like to get started with scripted document generation ASAP.

John Haugeland is

We will add this. In the meantime, you can always try running Engine\bin\prince.exe from the command line.
Oh! When it said "run prince.exe", I went for the one in Program Files.

Derp. :lol: I thought its invoking the GUI meant you didn't get a command line unless you had the server version.

Thanks. :mrgreen:

I would like to suggest that you amend instructions you give in the forum in re: giving prince.exe command line arguments to mention which prince.exe you mean. You never know: someone else might make the same mistake I did.

John Haugeland is

We've now released Prince 8.0, and JavaScript support is enabled by default from the Windows GUI.