Forum How do I...?

Bottom Align in two column layout


Is it possible to align the text in columns to the bottom?

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Also is it possible to use hyphenation with Spanish rules?
Any advise appreciated.
You can move a whole block to the bottom, but the columns will always align at the top, not the bottom. You can switch the text language to Spanish by adding a lang or xml:lang attribute, eg. <p lang="es">
Thank you Mike!
BTW another how do I? see the attached picture the outer ordered list is affected by the nested list. See FF with last items 3 and 4 and the pdf says 4 and 5.
I'm using Prince 7.2 (8.0 beta 1)
  1. princeXMLOlBug.png49.7 kB
That is not valid HTML, you cannot nest an <ol> directly inside another <ol> element, you need to wrap it up in an <li> first.