Using the code below I get different results in Prince 8.0beta and Prince 7.1
In the attachment you can find the html-file and the two resulting PDF-files.
I think this is a bug, if not please advice how to make a layout like this possible in 7.1 and 8.0
In the attachment you can find the html-file and the two resulting PDF-files.
I think this is a bug, if not please advice how to make a layout like this possible in 7.1 and 8.0
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
<html xmlns='' xml:lang='NL' lang='NL'>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
<style type='text/css'>
@page {
size:210mm 140mm;
margin:25mm 20mm;
@bottom {
@bottom-right {
body {
font:10pt arial, sans-serif;
#footercenter {
#footerright {
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut suscipit ipsum. Sed at
felis ipsum, a placerat ligula. Suspendisse quis magna ac quam accumsan fermentum. Sed justo
dolor, gravida quis ultrices vel, lacinia ac felis. Integer convallis, eros nec mattis
adipiscing, erat metus consectetur nisi, et luctus magna nisi eget nulla. Praesent eleifend
ultricies leo non ullamcorper. In laoreet ornare lacus eget faucibus. Etiam consequat, est
faucibus accumsan consequat, nisi metus dictum dui, a rutrum risus tortor nec diam. Phasellus
vitae orci metus, sit amet rhoncus dui. Nulla ac sapien diam, in dignissim lectus. Nulla eu
purus lorem, in vehicula eros. Vestibulum porttitor hendrerit felis eu posuere. Cras in risus
neque. Suspendisse convallis viverra nisl, sed varius nisi interdum sed. Vivamus eu molestie
sem. Nunc vel leo sed nunc dictum commodo. Nulla porttitor malesuada magna eget ultrices.
Suspendisse augue lorem, posuere sed dictum et, semper eu felis.
<div id='footercenter'>Center</div>
<div id='footerright'>Right</div>