Forum Bugs

prince internal error when computing arc in svg path element

If I run prince 5.1 rev 6 with the following input:

<svg width="400.000000000000" height="250.000000000000" xmlns="" version="1.1">
<path d="M200.000000000000 115.000000000000 L200.000000000000 43.57142857142857 A71.42857142857143 71.42857142857143 0 0 1 200.000000000000 186.42857142857144" />

I get the following error:
prince: internal error: arc calculation error: sqrt negative.

However, the above SVG renders fine in firefox.

What's worse is that prince does not return a non-zero exit status when the error occurs, so I cannot detect the error in the calling application.

Hi Ian,

We have fixed both of these issues in Prince 5.1 rev 7, released today and available for download from the website.

The SVG arc should render correctly now, and the exit status should be set if any errors do occur.

Thanks for reporting the issues! :)

Best regards,
