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float column-bottom in a column within another column


I have a page with 2 main columns, and both columns are then sub-divided into 2 more columns. I am trying to place a single column advert into the first sub-column (using float: column-bottom;), however it fills the container column rather than the inner column. is there a way around this other than splitting the page into 4 main columns?
Is the floated content originally inside the sub-column?
Yes the markup is similar to

<div class="outer-column">
  <div class="inner-column">
    <div class="advert">...</div>
Okay, we may need to check this out, perhaps it is not quite right. I guess the quickest workaround for the time being would be to use four columns.
This issue has been fixed in Prince 8.0, released today. Thanks for letting us know. :)