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Floating a figure to a complete landscape page

I have a figure that I want to show on a landscape page. Normally if I have a figure that I want to take up an entire portrait page, I just set 'float: top' on it and then ensure that the figure element is large enough that Prince will want to place it on a new page and not be able to put any other content on that page.

I tried setting 'float: top; page: landscape' on my figure, where the landscape page is defined to have 'size: a4 landscape', but this causes a page break at the point that I include my figure in my HTML source. I want the content after the figure element to keep flowing in the portrait page just before the landscape one until it is full. Is that possible, or does switching the page size with the page property always cause a hard page break, even with floating elements?


Yes, currently we lack a mechanism for combining page floats with named pages, which always cause an immediate page break. We hope to fix this in a future release of Prince.
mikeday wrote:
Yes, currently we lack a mechanism for combining page floats with named pages, which always cause an immediate page break. We hope to fix this in a future release of Prince.

OK. I'll work around it by doing the figure entirely in SVG and rotating it, leaving it on a portrait page.
Has anything changed here? I'd like this feature too.

Another side effect is that with "float: top next" not only there is an immediate page break, but an empty landscape page is introduced before the float.
Do you need to use float if you are using named pages? Since it will get an immediate page break anyway?
Of course, if the float doesn't works I don't need it. What I want is to float the image to a special page.
Right, and take it completely out of the normal flow, without leaving a gap at the bottom of the page. We haven't got a way to do this, yet.