Forum Bugs

text runs into gap

tex in gap2.png

I added color to make sure I was really working with span that I thought I was working with.

The CSS:
div.Main {
display: block;
font-size: 10pt;
line-height: 12pt;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
page-break-inside: auto ;
text-align: left;
background-color: pink ;
widows: 2 ;
orphans: 2 ;
div.Minor {
display: block;
font-size: 10pt;
line-height: 12pt;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
page-break-inside: auto ;
text-align: left;
widows: 2 ;
orphans: 2 ;
background-color: yellow ;


.Exapmle_Group { margin-left: 0 ; }
.Example_Sentence:first-of-type {font-weight: bold ; !important }
.Example_Sentence { font-weight: normal ; background-color:green}

<div class="Main">
<a class="Lemma" id="hvo15434">-er</a>
<span class="Part_Of_Speech" lang="es">v. &gt; s.</span>
<span class="Comment">Indica al que lleva a cabo la acción; por ejemplo:</span>
<span class="Example_Group">
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">worker</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">trabajador;</span>
<span class="Example_Group">
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">lexicographer</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">lexicógrafo.</span>
<span class="Variant_Group">
<span class="Lexical_Function" lang="es">Var.</span>
<span class="Variant_Form">-or</span></span>

What is causing the word to run into the gap?

You can ignore "text in gap.png" attachment ... I couldn't figure out how to delete it.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. tex in gap2.png75.0 kB
  2. text in gap.png81.8 kB
changing the word to
didn't help.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

First thought would be "white-space: pre", or "white-space: nowrap", or use of non-break space characters.
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">lexicographer</span><span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">lexicógrafo.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">lexicographer</span> <span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">lexicógrafo.</span>

fixes problem. But I want it to work without adding the space.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Text that is not separated by spaces has no break points, unless you explicitly add a zero-width space character (U+200B).
Thanks. Learn something new every day.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators


So by adding
<xsl:output indent="yes" method="xhtml"/>
the problem of text running into margin or gap is fixed.
But now I have new problem:
.Variant_Group:before {content: " ["; type-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; }
.Variant_Group:after { content: "]" !important ; type-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; }
Should add [] around text inside but now I get and added space
[ text ] instead of [text]

I tried adding negative margins to bring the [] up closer to text which worked well except when the [
was at the end of the line. See end of post.

.Variant_Group:before {margin-right: -2pt ; content: " ["; type-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; }
.Variant_Group:after { margin-left: -2pt ; content: "]" !important ; type-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; }

<div class="Main">
<a class="Lemma" id="hvo15434">-er</a>
<span class="Part_Of_Speech" lang="es">v. &gt; s.</span>
<span class="Comment">Indica al que lleva a cabo la acción; por ejemplo:</span>
<span class="Example_Group">
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">worker</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">trabajador;</span>
<span class="Example_Group">
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">lexicographer</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">lexicógrafo.</span>
<span class="Variant_Group">
<span class="Lexical_Function" lang="es">Var.</span>
<span class="Variant_Form">-or</span>

<div class="Minor">
<a class="Lemma" id="hvo15468">-es</a>
<span class="Variant_Group">
<span class="Variant_Type">var. de</span>
<a class="Main_Entry_Form" href="#hvo15464">-s</a>
<span class="Definition">Indica plural.</span>
<span class="Notes_Grammar">Se presenta después de
<span class="Emphasis">s</span> y
<span class="Emphasis">z</span>.
<div class="Main">
<a class="Lemma" id="hvo15977">a</a>
<span class="Part_Of_Speech" lang="es">adj.</span>
<span class="Definition" lang="es">un, una</span>
<span class="Example_Group">
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="en">I usually eat a banana with my breakfast cereal.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence" lang="es">En el desayuno, normalmente como un plátano con el cereal.</span>
<span class="Variant_Group">
<span class="Lexical_Function" lang="es">Var.</span>
<span class="Variant_Form">an</span>;
<span class="Notes_Grammar">se presenta antes de una consonante o semi-vocal.</span>

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. sample.png19.9 kB
  2. sample2.png8.6 kB
  3. sample3.png10.0 kB
Instead of using XSLT indenting, which will add spaces where you might not want them, you can always add explicit spaces in sensitive locations using <xsl:text> </xsl:text> or similar.
Thanks for speedy reply. I'll redo XSLT now.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Adding zero width breaking space was the answer. I had some non-breaking spaces in text.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators