Forum Bugs

Rendering of quotations


I'm posing here to report a very very small bug, that shouldn't take long to fix.
Specification for HTML 4.0 (see here) tells that
Visual user agents must ensure that the content of the Q element is rendered with delimiting quotation marks. Authors should not put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the content of a Q element.

Well, I just noticed that it is not the case of PrinceXML (I'm using version 5.1 rev 4), which doesn't add proper quotation marks.

Good catch!

This can be implemented by modifying the default XHTML style sheets that come with Prince (found in the "style" directory) and adding the following declarations:
q::before { content: "\201C" }
q::after { content: "\201D" }

This will place curly double quotation marks (UNICODE characters U+201C and U+201D) around the contents of the <q> element.

You can make the change in your local installation, and perhaps we can add this to the next release too. :D
okay, thanks for the reply and for the fix. This will be perfect for my current needs, as my quotation is in English.
But you should perhaps watch out for something when you fix the bug in the next release : specification says that
User agents should render quotation marks in a language-sensitive manner (see the lang attribute). Many languages adopt different quotation styles for outer and inner (nested) quotations, which should be respected by user-agents.

Good work, thumbs up for what you've done yet !
We've updated the XHTML style sheets in Prince 5.1 rev 5, which we have released today.

They include basic quotation support for English (the default), French and German, but do not currently include customised styles for nested quotations.

The default declarations can always be overridden or extended by the user to add support for other languages.