Forum Bugs

MT Extra Plain Error

Running Prince 5.1 rev 4 an a MacBook OS 10.4.5. When using prince to convert any html or xml document I get the following error:

prince: warning: error getting family name for 'MT Extra Plain:001.000' (-8905)

The pdf seems to be perfect, but the error sometimes hangs the terminal a bit. Is there a way to resolve the error so prince will run smoothly?

I used an earlier version of 5.1 without the error, but can't recall the rev number.

Aside from disabling the font, there isn't currently a workaround to get rid of that error. However, we will do our best to fix it for the next maintenance release of Prince 5.1, due later this month.

Thanks for reporting the issue! :D
We have fixed this issue in Prince 5.1 rev 5, which is up on the website now.

Thanks again for letting us know :)
I still see this error message with Prince 6.0 (alpha 2007-01-16).
Thanks for reporting the issue, we'll make sure that's fixed in the final release! :)