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Trouble with EXE Path in PHP


I'm currently trying prince to see if it's what I'm after.

I have a basic set up running locally via XAMPP which is working great. However, when i upload to my shared hosting it just won't make a PDF - it doesn't even create a log file and i think it has something to do with the exe path.

Here is my code which is working locally:
$prince = new Prince($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/prince/Prince/Engine/bin/prince.exe'); 

The above code however doesn't working on my shared hosting :( - any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Is the shared hosting running Windows or Linux? Installing Prince in a subdirectory of DOCUMENT_ROOT may be unwise, as it may make your license files globally available to the world. Can you install it somewhere else?
:oops: I'm an idiot - the shared hosting is running linux...and my local testing site is windows.... :oops:

Will the linux version run as a standalone or does it need to be installed?

Thanks for the tip on the location as well - i'll move it out of web reach!
Prince can be installed anywhere, it does not need to be in a system directory and does not require administrator permissions.