Forum Bugs

"no glyphs for character U+2767" error

I am using Ubuntu 10, and I'm getting this error on my page. I've specified font-family:Georgia, and I have msttcorefonts installed. The character displays OK in the browser, and also in OpenOffice. But when I use Prince, I get this error:

warning: no glyphs for character U+2767, fallback to '?'

and the PDF shows '?' in place of U+2767

So I am at a loss as to how to fix.

Example page is
This message is because Prince is unable to find glyphs for the floral bullet characters that appear at the end of each chapter. Georgia does not have glyphs for these characters, but the DejaVu Sans font does, so try adding that to the end of your font-family.
hi, i have a similar problem where i get this message in the logs
"warning: no glyphs for character U+0ABE, fallback to '?'"

i am using arlrdbd.ttf to render the word Bennet and it ends up rendering it ?nnet i have also tried a few other fonts but i still get this error. the same word renders properly in the rest of the content, its only the header where it bombs.

would really appreciate any help
Sounds like a markup problem rather than a font problem, do you have a \A or something in there?
mikeday wrote:
Sounds like a markup problem rather than a font problem, do you have a \A or something in there?

indeed that's right. this is what my css looks like:

@page {
@top-right {
font: 12pt "Kelly Arial", serif;
content: "Provider Profile Report \a%base_provider_name% \aReport: %report_id%";
as i wanted the header in three different lines. the %base_provider_name% is replaced by "Bennet J Jackson, ANP"
and the font is mapped to the font:

@font-face {
font-family: "Kelly Arial";
src: url(../../../opt/fonts/arial.ttf) format("truetype");
There should be a space after the \a, otherwise it will be parsed as \abe and interpreted as a Unicode escape.