Support for Thai?
Hi -
I noticed that you have "Support Thai line-breaking" on your roadmap for over a year now, when will you add this feature? We are using Prince 7.1 and still have problem with Thai, would love to fix this as our group of users are growing bigger.
Thank you!
Sorry for the delay, we will move it up the roadmap.
That would be great. Thank you!
Hi, as 2010 is coming to an end, where are you at with Thai support and do you think it will be done in 2011? Thanks!
Yes it will be done in 2011, first we will be releasing a beta version of Prince 8.0 with support for JavaScript.
I just ran my first Thai job and the line breaking still doesn't appear to be supported. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?
Correct, Thai line-breaking isn't supported yet. The embarrassingly optimistic estimate for its delivery was blown out of the water by the time it took to implement support for JavaScript, sorry!
Mike, we are interested in having this feature as well. Can you bump this up the priority list? Thank you so much!
We will take another look at this.
Hello - it is me again from back in 2010 with a different last name

We are still very intersted for Prince to support Thai. Would you please bump it up? Thanks!
Good to hear from you again! We'll do our best.
Definite need here too.
Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Hello! Checking back on Prince support of Thai. Any idea of when this might be available? Thanks!
We are closer to supporting Thai line-breaking, but there are some incompatibilities with the libraries we have tried, so it's touch and go whether we can include it in Prince 10. We will give it our best shot.
Hi, has there been any progress on Thai line-breaking?
Is there a way to enforce line-breaking in div's, td's, etc even if it's not going to be according to the rules?
Thank you.
We are working on this again and we should have a test version ready within the next couple of months. In the meantime, you can force word breaking to ensure text doesn't overflow by applying "overflow-wrap: break-word".
Looking forward to this also.
Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators
@mikeday - Any update on Thai line-breaking?
It's April Fools Day, but this is no joke: Prince
latest builds now support Thai line-breaking thanks to integration with libthai!