Forum How do I...?

...change the image resolution properly?

Hi there,

when setting the image-resolution in my CSS like this:

img { image-resolution: 100dpi; }

the filesize of the generated PDF should be less than before (with a higher image-resolution), shouldn't it?

In my case, setting the image-resolution has no impact on the size of the generated file.

Any ideas why it's like that?

Regards, Ida
This is exactly the same problem as I have. I think the css isn't processed.
What language do you use? I use ASP.Net
I also can't show png's in my pdf...
The image resolution only affects how much space the image takes up on the page, not how many bytes it takes up in the file. For example, if the image is 300x300 pixels, then with a resolution of 100dpi it will take up a 3 inch square. If the resolution is 150dpi it will take up only a 2 inch square, and so on.
mikeday wrote:
The image resolution only affects how much space the image takes up on the page, not how many bytes it takes up in the file. For example, if the image is 300x300 pixels, then with a resolution of 100dpi it will take up a 3 inch square. If the resolution is 150dpi it will take up only a 2 inch square, and so on.

Hello mikeday,

Ah allrigth, now I understand, thanks for the useful information!

Regards, Ida

p.s.: just in case I never mentioned: I am astonished about what princexml is able to do and very pleased about the support :)