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css and prince in


Some prince css extension aren't recognized bij ASP.Net (Visual Studion). VS gives the following error:

Validation (CSS 2.1): 'size' is not a known CSS property name.

@page { size: A4;
        cropmarks:4mm; }

@page { margin: 20mm 10mm 20mm 30mm }

img {prince-image-resolution: 250dpi;
     cropmarks:4mm; }

I think this code is correct so I don't see the problem.

I also tried to copy this css file outside the website folder and I got these error from the prince logfile:

Tue Apr 20 09:58:56 2010: ---- begin
Tue Apr 20 09:58:56 2010: Loading document...
Tue Apr 20 09:58:56 2010: C:\Users\BIS\Desktop\page250.css: warning: failed to parse all CSS rules
Tue Apr 20 09:58:57 2010: Converting document...
Tue Apr 20 09:58:57 2010: finished: success
Tue Apr 20 09:58:57 2010: ---- end

*I don't get this error when I use the css file inside the website folder
Can you email me ( the CSS file? Perhaps it is an encoding issue, as the syntax looks fine.