We've long enjoyed the convenience that Prince offers, but we've had a longstanding problem.
Every now that then, when certain customers open up a PDF generated by our site, the regular fonts appear in WingDings or some other unreadable font. The same PDF works just fine for us or other customers. People might open up 30 pdfs, have them all messed up, then have the problem go away.
Most strangely, sometimes the PDF fixes itself after being open for sometime and sometimes stays the same.
The problem seems limited to Windows (Vista and XP) and Adobe (several versions). Bold fonts seem to render just fine.
Has anyone seen this? Any help would be appreciated (we can provide source html, css, and fonts files, plus the prince command and resulting pdfs if needed.)
Tim Bahls
Software Engineer
Appfolio, Inc.
Every now that then, when certain customers open up a PDF generated by our site, the regular fonts appear in WingDings or some other unreadable font. The same PDF works just fine for us or other customers. People might open up 30 pdfs, have them all messed up, then have the problem go away.
Most strangely, sometimes the PDF fixes itself after being open for sometime and sometimes stays the same.
The problem seems limited to Windows (Vista and XP) and Adobe (several versions). Bold fonts seem to render just fine.
Has anyone seen this? Any help would be appreciated (we can provide source html, css, and fonts files, plus the prince command and resulting pdfs if needed.)
Tim Bahls
Software Engineer
Appfolio, Inc.