I know this thread is almost 6 years old, but it still shows up in Google when you search for batch process with prince. For anyone interested, you can use the method above in Linux, and the following will work just fine in a Windows batch script. E.g. create a text file, name it something like
html-to-pdf.bat and paste the following inside:
for %%f in (*.html) do prince %%f -o %%f.pdf
Stick the
html-to-pdf.bat file in the folder with the html files you want to convert. Then, open the command prompt in that folder and the script by simply typing
and pressing enter.
I hope this helps someone.
EDIT: This assumes you have the
prince binary in your PATH. If you don't, you will have to replace "prince" in the script above with the full path to your prince binary. E.g:
for %%f in (*.html) do C:\some\folder\location\prince-12.4-win64\bin\prince %%f -o %%f.pdf