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Can I merge another PDF into the output?

Is there any way to pull an existing PDF file into the PDF that Prince is generating?

I haven't had success so far adding a PDF file to the list of files Prince is meant to convert.

The only thing in the documentation I can find indicates that only XML and Html will work as input doctypes. I understand that probably means I'm out of luck.

Still I'm curious, because we have some stock pages in PDF format that we'd like to include in the generated brochure. It would be a lot easier to have them merged by Prince than to rebuild them in an XML/Html document for inclusion.

At the moment Prince can't process PDF documents as input. It is possible to merge multiple PDF documents with other tools, so you could generate a PDF with Prince and then merge in other PDF pages that way.
Darn. But thanks for the info.

Any experience with them / recommendations on something free that does a decent job? As always, expected to provide a solution without the luxury of time.
In case anyone needs to do the same thing, I found pdfsam, a freeware/open source program, which seems to do the trick - haven't played with it much yet, but so far so good.