Forum How do I...?

Combining flow() and counters in page regions

Requirement: the PDF should contain the following in the footer on each page:

Some-Example-Text - http://foo/bar/path/org
<current page number>

I know about using flow() for moving markup into a region and
about content() for moving static text and counters into a region.

But how can I combine both?
You can create a block element with your text and links in the document that also includes a span with generated content for the page number, and then flow the whole thing into the footer. For example:
<div class="footer">
... text and links go here ...<br/>
<span style="content: counter(page)"></span>
It sure is nice to see solutions even before I get to problem. :D

Keep up the good work!!

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators