Forum Bugs

ltr in rtl for footnote call

/**** cross-reference caller in text ******/

span.crossReference::footnote-call {
font-family: Scheherazade ;
direction: ltr ;
content: counter(footnote) ;
vertical-align: sub ;
font-size: 0.83em;
line-height: none ;
background-color: pink ;


The direction of the numbers for crossReference are coming out rtl.
Direction doesn't seem to apply here.

I tried content: '17' ; and it came out 71.
background-color: pink ; used for debugging to make sure I really am selecting correctly.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks, we'll take a look at this.
Related to this the problem also shows up for footnote-marker.

It should read

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8:3 [for chapter 3 verse 8]

but reads

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3:8 [for chapter 3 verse 8]

/*** cross reference marker in footnote ***/

span.crossReference::footnote-marker {

font-family: Scheherazade ;
content: counter(footnote) ;
content: string(chapterx) ':' string(versex) ' ' ;
font-style: bold ;
line-height: none ;
font-size: 18pt ;
line-height: 20pt ;
direction: rtl ;
margin-left: 6pt;

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

One additional place. In the header I generated what should read bookname 2:6 - 2:9 but in Arabic order. It looked like
2:9 - 2:6 emankoob

Which my expert says should read

9:2 - 6:2 emankoob

No. You have the chapter and verse numbers in wrong order. I checked in the latest pdf. From the right, you should have bookname, chapter, verse, dash, chapter, verse. What is listed above says "bookname 6:2-9:2" when read in Arabic direction. That's not what you want. It should be "9:2-6:2 bookname"or actually "9-6:2 bookname" is better.

This comes from:

content: string(bookx, start) " " string(chapterx, start) ":" string(versex, start) " — " string(chapterx, last) ":" string(versex, last);

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Prince 7.0 includes some fixes for bidirectional layout of footnote markers. Things should work consistently now, and any awkward bits can generally be solved with bidi mark characters. :)