Forum How do I...?

Page Breaks


We are evaluating Prince for use converting large HTML documents to PDF.

We noticed that Prince does not force a page break at the following code:

<HR align=center width="100%" noShade SIZE=2>
<A name="page_2"></A>

Is there a way to force this as a page break in a "Prince" CSS file? , or should we change the HTML (we would like to avoid this option if possible)?

Prince ignores comments, as do web browsers and most other user-agents. You can create page breaks by using the CSS page break properties.
Mike Thanks -

Sorry to take up valuable forum space for a plug, but we have been testing XHTML/HTML to PDF conversion software for months and stumbled upon your product only yesterday. We are simply blown away by its capabilities & quality of output.

We compared Prince against:

Corda Highwire

......and others

and the winner is: Prince!
Thanks! We never get tired of hearing that. :)

Clearly our marketing needs some work though, so you can find us earlier! :D