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set font encoding for embedded fonts

I have a problem with some fonts being encoded in a strange format that leads to display problems with Apple's

In a reduced sample file, the embedded fonts have the Roman encoding; in another file, the embedded fonts are encoded in "Identity-H". Subsequently, the file is shown with the 'unknown glyph" symbol being displayed for all characters set in fonts that are encoded in "Identity-H".

This happens if I use "prince-text-replace" rules to enable ligatures. This is a hack from prince 6.0 times. the prince 7.0b documentation is still lacking in this. This also changed between 7.0a21 and 7.0b1.

Are there any controls for setting the encoding on embedded fonts? What are the rules for embedding one or the other?
Is the font an OTF font? (eg. an OpenType font with PostScript/CFF glyph outlines?) There is a known bug in Apple Preview that affects the display of these fonts.
Yes. Darn.

Thanks for the headsup.

Update: This issue was fixed in 2017.