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Running PrinceXML on AmazonWebService(AWS) Linux


I am trying to use prince xml on centOS linux distribution on AWS(Amazon web service)(config: Linux 2.6.18-xenU-ec2-v1.0 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I tried the centOS rpm installation,but it failed with error message: "error: Failed dependencies: is needed by prince-7.0b1-1.i386 is needed by prince-7.0b1-1.i386"

Also when i tried running the static binary for linux it failed with error message:"prince: internal error: no available fonts

Please help

thanks in advance.

The first error could be solved by installing libgif.

For the second error you need to check if fontconfig is installed (eg. rpm -qa | grep fontconfig) and also are any TrueType fonts installed. Probably not, if X-Windows is not installed. In this case you will need to install some fonts such as the DejaVu fonts, Liberation fonts, or Microsoft Core Fonts.