Forum Feature requests

Better MathML rendering?

Hi there,

I used

to check the quality of the MathML renderer. It looks pretty good except however there are some minor visual issues e.g. with superscripted symbols or chars.

Are there any plans for resolving those visual issues?
Certainly we would like to improve the level of MathML quality. Are you referring to the superscript j used in the equation for Taylor's theorem? That does look a bit awkwardly positioned.
mikeday wrote:
Certainly we would like to improve the level of MathML quality. Are you referring to the superscript j used in the equation for Taylor's theorem? That does look a bit awkwardly positioned.


also there is space missing before j=0 in Taylor's theorem

In Dirac's delta function there should be extra space beetn the 'f' and the 'delta'

...minor stuff
Right, the main issue seems to be spacing around long sloping glyphs, like the italic j or italic f. I'll add this issue to the roadmap for investigation.