Documentation as PDF
I am currently testing Prince and find it a very interesting product. However, I miss one thing:
I really would appreciate the documentation as PDF - I never read anything online or on a screen. Why not format it with Prince?
-- kfen
Good idea, we'll try and get that done for the next release if we have time
I'd also love to see documentation in PDF. I like to read documentation from start to finish, which I always find awkward in a browser.
-- jdw
I created a PDF copy for my own personal use. I'm happy enough to make it available to others but only if the authors agree or alternatively I can supply it directly to the authors and they could choose to make it available.
(Please don't ask me to send you a copy until the authors have responded - I obviously won't do this due to copyright issues)
All hyperlinks (including internal links) work fine, so the documentation is exactly the same as it is on the website but instead it's in PDF format.
This would be lovely, indeed -- a PDF of the documentation.
Any progress on this? Have the authors seen the request?
Thanks kindly.
alan2102 wrote:
This would be lovely, indeed -- a PDF of the documentation.
Any progress on this? Have the authors seen the request?
Thanks kindly.
Hi Alan,
I previously provided the PDF doco to the authors, although to my knowledge it hasn't been made available for download anywhere from this site. I'm happy enough to forward a copy to you if the authors respond here and state that's OK.
Sorry for the delay on this, we've now got a PDF of all the documentation for Prince 6.0 available for download here:
docs.pdf. We might make a few more tweaks to the styling over the next couple of days, so please let me know if you would like it presented or arranged differently.
mikeday wrote:
Sorry for the delay on this, we've now got a PDF of all the documentation for Prince 6.0 available for download here: docs.pdf. We might make a few more tweaks to the styling over the next couple of days, so please let me know if you would like it presented or arranged differently.
Great! I'll download it. Thanks, Mike.
And, BizGuy, thanks for the offer, but it looks like I'm covered.
mikeday wrote:
Sorry for the delay on this, we've now got a PDF of all the documentation for Prince 6.0 available for download here: docs.pdf. We might make a few more tweaks to the styling over the next couple of days, so please let me know if you would like it presented or arranged differently.
well for the beginning this is great - just wonder where the pdf for the just released 7.0 is

... would be even greater to have that one too.
thanks in advance!
We're working on it, but there are a few things we would like to add to the documentation first.
Any news about the PDF doc? Thanks.
There are
DIY instructions for documentation in PDF format now!