Right now we can use :first, :left, :right, and :blank page selectors to assign properties to pages in various positions in a document. I have several cases where I'd like to be able to target an arbitrary page based on its position.
First use case: In some book designs, the opening page of a chapter is actually a spread (both left and right pages), and we'd need to suppress running heads and folios on the first two pages:
@page chapter:second {
@top-center { content: normal };
@bottom-center { content: normal };
Second use case: We need to control widows, orphans, and bad breaks in long runs of justified text. The classic way of doing this is to run an individual spread one line longer than usual, or one line shorter. In Quark/InDesign, you can just make the text box longer on an individual page. I'd like to be able to change the bottom margin on pairs of arbitrary pages:
@page custom {
margin-bottom: 42pt;
@page custom:fourth {
margin-bottom: 54pt;
@page custom:fifth {
margin-bottom: 54pt;
I would imagine such a feature would be useful in many other situations.
Dave Cramer
First use case: In some book designs, the opening page of a chapter is actually a spread (both left and right pages), and we'd need to suppress running heads and folios on the first two pages:
@page chapter:second {
@top-center { content: normal };
@bottom-center { content: normal };
Second use case: We need to control widows, orphans, and bad breaks in long runs of justified text. The classic way of doing this is to run an individual spread one line longer than usual, or one line shorter. In Quark/InDesign, you can just make the text box longer on an individual page. I'd like to be able to change the bottom margin on pairs of arbitrary pages:
@page custom {
margin-bottom: 42pt;
@page custom:fourth {
margin-bottom: 54pt;
@page custom:fifth {
margin-bottom: 54pt;
I would imagine such a feature would be useful in many other situations.
Dave Cramer