Forum Bugs

Content w. spaces in @top/bottom-left/right margin boxes?

A possible bug in PrinceXML? Or just something I don't understand how to handle correctly?

Consider the following CSS:
@page { size: A4 landscape;
    padding: 9pt;
    margin: 18pt 18pt 18pt 18pt;
    @bottom-left  { content: "My Super-Duper Manual"; }
    @bottom       { content: string(paratitle);       }

The bottom-left margin box contains only "My".

However, this one works, and in all for corner margin boxes appears the full string:
@page { size: A4 landscape;
    padding: 9pt;
    margin: 18pt 18pt 18pt 18pt;
    @bottom-left  { content: "My Super-Duper Manual"; }
    @bottom-right { content: "My Super-Duper Manual"; }
    @top-left     { content: "My Super-Duper Manual"; }
    @top-right    { content: "My Super-Duper Manual"; }
    @bottom       { content: string(paratitle);       }

Is it me, or is it Prince?

Commandline used:
prince -c my.css  any-html-resource.html -o out.pdf

I tested with different HTML inputs, and it does not depend on it.
That is a bit odd, putting a border on the margin boxes makes it clear that the @bottom-left is actually getting zero width, so it's just printing one word and cutting off the rest of the text. I don't think this is the correct behaviour, we will investigate. In the meantime, you can specify an explicit width for the margin box, eg. "width: 5cm".
This bug has been fixed in Prince 9, available now. Thanks for letting us know about this issue.