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[Resolved] Large "gaps" on page when converting HTML to PDF


I am converting a HTML page to PDF. I am applying a simple user defined CSS file that contains the following:

@page { size: A4 }
@page { prince-shrink-to-fit: auto }

In the resulting PDF file, there is a large gap between page 1 and page 2 (refer to attachment 'attach1.JPG' that shows the gap that is occuring when I view the PDF.

I have pasted the partial HTML source that is being converted below.

Can I specify something additional in my user defined CSS file that will stop this "gap" from occuring?


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Edited by bizguy72

It would appear that Prince is trying not to break a table across two pages, resulting in it being pushed down to start on the next page. However, it is difficult to diagnose this issue without all the style sheets. If you could email me ( the full document and style sheets or post a link to them on the web that would help.
mikeday wrote:
It would appear that Prince is trying not to break a table across two pages, resulting in it being pushed down to start on the next page. However, it is difficult to diagnose this issue without all the style sheets. If you could email me ( the full document and style sheets or post a link to them on the web that would help.

Thanks Mike. I have just emailed you a link to the full document. (From my email address


Hi Mike,

Did you receive the email? Any further info on this yet?


Yes thanks, we'll need to simplify the document and see what the problem is.
mikeday wrote:
Yes thanks, we'll need to simplify the document and see what the problem is.

Hi Mike,

Any ETA on this?


Sorry for the delay. The gap appears to be caused by the use of the rowspan attribute on very long tables. It can be partially corrected by applying "page-break-before: avoid" to strategic table rows, but this is not sufficient to solve the problem in every case. We will see if we can change the rowspan behaviour in Prince to avoid this issue.
OK, great! Thanks Mike!
Hey Mike,

I just replied to your email re fix.


Confirming now resolved with patch release.
This fix for long table cells that span multiple rows is included in Prince 8.0, now available in beta.