Forum Bugs

Issue with links between html pages with , in filename


I am a new user and might have found an issue with links. Sorry if it has already been reported. The closest issue I found was this one, but there are no generation errors in my case.

I have 3 html files :

      <p>toto<a href="0%2c2.htm#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1" id="_ftnref1">link1</a>.</p>
      <p>toto<a href="0%203.htm#_ftn2" name="_ftnref2" id="_ftnref2">link2</a>.</p>

      <p><a href="0%2c1.htm#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"id="_ftn1">link back</a>blabla.</p>

"0 3.htm"
      <p><a href="0%2c1.htm#_ftnref2" name="_ftn2"id="_ftn2">link back 2</a>blabla.</p>

Everything is working fine in firefox.

I am running Prince 8.1 rev 2 on windows like this:
prince -v -o out.pdf "0,1.htm" "0,2.htm" "0 3.htm"

The output is :
prince: Loading document...
prince: loading HTML input: 0,1.htm
prince: loading HTML input: 0,2.htm
prince: loading HTML input: 0 3.htm
prince: Converting document...
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Bold
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Regular
prince: Finished: success

The link with containing %20 is working fine.
The links with href containing %2c are unresolved. In fact, if the html file is in the same directory as the PDF, my reader opens it in my browser.
Thanks, we will investigate this issue. You may be able to workaround it temporarily by specifying the input filename as "0%2c1.htm" on the command-line.
I just noticed same issue and same workaround with & (%26). Might be a more general issue with url un/escaping.
Yes, we have a solution for this that we will release soon in Prince 8.1 rev 3.
Great ! Thank you very much for your quick replies.
We have now released Prince 8.1 rev 3 and changed the way file URLs are unescaped, which should solve this issue. Thanks for letting us know! :)
I just ran the new revision against the test document and the real ones, everything is working fine in all cases.
Thank you very much.