Forum Feature requests

inline footnote instead of stacking footnotes

I would like to be able to put multiple footnotes on a line. See Good News Bible.
Isa 14:

13:19 Gn 19.24. 13.21 Is 34.14; Zep 2.14; Rev 18.2. 14.12 Rev 8.10; 9.1. 14.13-15 Mt 11.23; Lk 10.15.

And if there are too many references for one line they would wrap to next line.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Sadly, no. At the moment footnotes are always treated as block elements, so they will be stacked vertically. Perhaps in the future we could use the display property to allow footnotes to be formatted as inline elements.
Thank you!!!!!

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Goodness Jim you're quick off the mark; we only just added this feature seconds ago. :D
As I said inline footnotes is a HIGH priority for me. Thanks again!

I don't understand the reason for nbsp after footnote marker.
Are you assuming the footnote marker precedes or follows word? My case is that it follows directly after a word so no need for the nbsp.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

That's the "footnote call", the footnote marker is the number that appears at the bottom of the page before the footnote text. Putting an nbsp after it means that it won't be left dangling at the end of the page in the case of multiple inline footnotes. This can always be overridden with the ::footnote-marker pseudo-element, though.
Great. Keep up the good work.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Hi all, I can't seem to locate the docs for this particular feature. Would you mind giving me a basic CSS example in order to do this?
Support for inline footnotes hasn't been released yet, but we hope to have a tech preview release ready in the next month or so.
Prince 9 is now out, with support for inline footnotes, closing this forum thread that began five years ago. :D

We haven't finished documenting everything yet, so here is a quick hint:
float: prince-inline-footnote | prince-column-inline-footnote

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators