Forum Bugs

Hyphenation of texts that are capitalized does not work


i discovered a problem with hyphenation of texts that are capitalized via css style "text-transform: uppercase".

Can you please fix this?



This problem always accours when the text is typed in uppercase. Not only if styled via css to be displayed uppercase.
Good point, I'm surprised we never noticed that. Perhaps most hyphenated text is lowercase? We will take a look at this issue for a future release, thanks for letting us know! :D
You may really prefer to NOT hyphenate capitalized words.

Googling (proper nouns hyphenation):

1. Avoid hyphenating proper nouns. ( This googles to number one spot.

2. Proper nouns, contractions, initialisms, numerals, and abbreviations should not be divided. (

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Would adding the upper case word in the en.hypen file do the trick. All upper case words are hard to read and only recommended for something that you don't want people to really read. See the legal disclaimers for example text.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

We have fixed this in Prince 8.1, so that uppercase and capitalised words should now be hyphenated correctly.