When Internet Explorer uploads a PNG image, it specifies a content type of "image/x-png" rather than "image/png". Not sure why.
I'd like to request support for the "image/x-png" mime type, to be handled the same as the "image/png" mime type.
Sure, we'll include this in the next maintenance release.
Is support for image/x-png included in rev 6?
And, a bit off topic, how are new maintenance releases announced?
It's not in rev 6, as the request came in after the release was already out. We announce new releases on the forum (see News) and also on some other websites like and
any idea on timing for the next release?
Hopefully we should have the next release ready by the end of July.
How's your progress on the next release coming?
Ouch, we've slipped a month, sorry!

However, it's really truly done now, and should be out soon. May I ask which platform you're running on? The Linux and MacOS X packages will be ready first.
no problem!
We run on Linux.
Thanks for the update.
The new release is finally ready, with support for the image/x-png MIME type. Thanks for your patience!