I'm not sure if it is a bug or a configuration problem.
I've tried to install Prince 6.0 to test the result on solaris.
The installation generate no error. However when I execute Prince I got the following messages :
everything seems ok with the execution rights.
the Engine seems to have execution problem, It generate the same error when I launched it directly.
We used Solaris 10. I do not know if there are others prerequisits.
Do you have any ideas of what could be the problem ?
For information we are waiting for these tests to buy the licence.
Many thanks in advance,
best regards,
I'm not sure if it is a bug or a configuration problem.
I've tried to install Prince 6.0 to test the result on solaris.
The installation generate no error. However when I execute Prince I got the following messages :
b2000@bss-preprod:(SID=b2000)[bin]-> prince --help
./prince: line 3: /opt/b2000/PrinceInstalle/lib/prince/bin/prince: Invalid argument
./prince: line 3: /opt/b2000/PrinceInstalle/lib/prince/bin/prince: Error 0
everything seems ok with the execution rights.
the Engine seems to have execution problem, It generate the same error when I launched it directly.
We used Solaris 10. I do not know if there are others prerequisits.
Do you have any ideas of what could be the problem ?
For information we are waiting for these tests to buy the licence.
Many thanks in advance,
best regards,