In an effort to make our reports more readable we have upgraded our own reporting software to generate <col> and <colgroup> tags for each table. This way we have more control over the table layout (like specifying 0* for the smallest width possible etc). While this works great in browsers, it gives us some problems in prince.
We have grouped a few test cases in the following html and pdf documents (please ignore the first test case .. this only goes wrong in prince 5.1)
Note: we still use automatic table layout. I realize that fixed table layout gives more predictable results but for now it doesn't work with our tables since the first row contains a lot cells which span multiple columns.
For the span attributes and colgroup we have workarounds (just generate a col statement with a width attribute for each column).
For the minimal width specifier "0*" we have no workaround (maybe specifying width=0, but this doesn't cause wrapping in prince 5.1 and in prince 6 it causes havoc to all columns after it).
Kind regards,
Eric de Ruiter
Amplixs Interaction Management
In an effort to make our reports more readable we have upgraded our own reporting software to generate <col> and <colgroup> tags for each table. This way we have more control over the table layout (like specifying 0* for the smallest width possible etc). While this works great in browsers, it gives us some problems in prince.
We have grouped a few test cases in the following html and pdf documents (please ignore the first test case .. this only goes wrong in prince 5.1)
Note: we still use automatic table layout. I realize that fixed table layout gives more predictable results but for now it doesn't work with our tables since the first row contains a lot cells which span multiple columns.
For the span attributes and colgroup we have workarounds (just generate a col statement with a width attribute for each column).
For the minimal width specifier "0*" we have no workaround (maybe specifying width=0, but this doesn't cause wrapping in prince 5.1 and in prince 6 it causes havoc to all columns after it).
Kind regards,
Eric de Ruiter
Amplixs Interaction Management