Forum Bugs

Hyphenation or words that already have a hyphen?

In a multi-column format, I noticed that Prince doesn't seem to break lines in the middle of already hyphenated words.

In my document, I have a line ending in the word "whole-program", which gets pushed to the next line (causing ugly spacing of words). If I add a space "whole- program" it puts "whole-" on one line (and "program" on the next), resulting in a much better line break.

Is this the intended behavior? Is there an easy way to tell Prince to consider such hyphenated words as line break points?
At the moment Prince won't break words that contain hyphens. We may add a new CSS property in the future to modify this behaviour. A temporary workaround is to add a space after the hyphen, or a zero-width space (​) so that it doesn't leave a gap if the word isn't split.
Prince 6.0 rev 6 will now break words after hyphens. This can be controlled by the hyphens property.
Thanks for the update on this fix! I'm really happy to see PrinceXML continue to mature.